
The sweet smell of success.
Silage That is More Palatable & More Nutritious
Culbac Forage® for haylage and silage is formulated by a unique patented process that produces a fermentation product with several distinct advantages. Culbac Forage® is the only microbial fermentation product that offers:
- Product stability
- Safe, noncorrosive
- Economical and cost effective
- Available in liquid or dry
- Culbac Forage Liquid will not "gel up" like water soluble inoculants
- Does not need refrigeration
- Promotes superior lactic acid fermentation
University research and decades of on-the-farm use have demonstrated that Culbac Forage® is more effective in stimulating silage fermentation than other forage additives, including live inoculants and organic acids.
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Benefits of Using CULBAC Silage Inoculants
Benefits of Culbac:
- High levels of lactic acid which sweetens the silage.
- Significantly lower nitrate levels in the silage feed via the fermentation process.
- Lower pH (range of 3.35 to 3.99 with average of 3.68).
- Significantly lower yeast counts.
- No water needed though you may add water for calibration.
- No live bacteria to worry about.
- Long shelf life (three years plus) and not affected by heat or freezing. It can stay in the tank from cutting to cutting but before winter the inoculant should be drained and stored. Flush the tank and lines with water at the end of the season and drain to prevent freezing.
- Lower dry matter loss in the feed pile.
- Significantly reduces liquid runoff from pit, stack, bunker or bag.
- Done fermentation in 3-4 days and ready to feed. 10.
- Improved palatability of feed. Culbac will make silage taste better.
Benefits of Applicators:
- Can choose the applicator size you want for field chopper or bagging machine:
- 5-gallon size will treat 492 tons of silage.
- 25-gallon size will treat 2462 tons of silage.
- 50-gallon size will treat 4923 tons of silage.
- Applicators can be filled from drums or totes by using a simple 12-volt transfer system.
- Operator can instantly vary the application rate of Culbac.
- A simple, user-friendly system.
Application Rates:
Culbac dry is applied at 1/5 pound per ton on all silages. Culbac liquid is applied at 1.3 ounces per ton on all silages. For high-moisture corn earlage or grain, apply at the rate of 1.3 to 2.6 ounces per ton.
Selmech Supplies ULV + Liquid Applicator and Dflow Powdermaster.
A major benefit of a high quality silage inoculant is the ability to raise lactic acid levels very quickly while at the same time lowering pH levels. This shuts down the fermentation process within 3-4 days and begins the state of preservation. Silage may be fed out after four days.
The range of pH with good forage management practices on a national scale for corn silage is 3.7 to 4.2 with an average pH of 3.95. Culbac-treated corn silage has a lower pH average of 3.68, representing 7% lower average.
The data below is from 13 feedtests taken over a 6-year period (2000 - 2006) from various storage types (bags, pits, stacks) across Eastern Washington (Columbia Basin and Yakima Valley). All feed tests taken were analyzed by Dairyland Labs, Arcadia, Wisconsin.
- 3.95 pH 5. 3.69 pH 9. 3.53 pH 13. 3.60 pH
- 3.44 pH 6. 3.71 pH 10. 3.35 pH
- 3.99 pH 7. 3.65 pH 11. 3.7 pH
- 3.88 pH 8. 3.72 pH 12. 3.63 pH
Culbac is available as a liquid or dry granular product with a choice of either organic or conventional.
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- inoculant
- preservative
- hay
- dry hay
- wet hay
- moldy hay
- heated hay
- grass hay
- timothy hay
- oat hay
- alfalfa hay
- lactic acid
- sudangrass hay
- orchardgrass hay
- yeast hay
- silage
- haylage
- organic preservative
- bales (round, small square, large square, hay)